The whisperings of a woman bricked in by her family 150 years ago, a bus stop that delivers uplifting one-liners and a pair of hands that like to play music when touched. These are three of the projects that have come out of the Recife: The Playable City Programme, a cross-continent collaboration between UK and Brazilian digital artists.
— Wired

Recife: The Playable City was an exciting international initiative that brought together creative practitioners from Pernambuco (Brazil) and the UK, to exchange ideas and develop new works that respond to the theme of The Playable City. It was produced by Watershed and run in collaboration with Brazilian Technology Park Porto Digital and the British Council.

As part of the programme, Katherine worked with Leo Falcão, Rosie Poebright, Phill Tew and Daniel da Hora to produce the Woman in the Wall, which took the form of a guided theatre experience, in which audiences ‘walked in the skin’ of a woman, who was allegedly bricked into a wall by her father for falling pregnant out of wedlock. Featuring performance, phone messages, physical clues and more, this theatrical tour of Recife’s Rua do Apolo, was a truly enchanting experience, provoking participants to consider Recife's past, present and future.